Zero tolerance to abuse!
Afairy has been around since 2003. With A lot of users sending campaigns to hundreds of millions of recipients, we’re bound to get abuse reports every now and then. We take abuse reports seriously.
How do we prevent Abuse?
· Human checking, approving new accounts and detect abuse within our system. Our staff uses a cleaning application.
· We require all users to agree to our Terms of Use before setting up an account, and again before importing any existing customer lists into their accounts.
· Our abuse-prevention application is scrutinized by Litmus and Spam check application.
· We automatically insert a one–click unsubscribe link in every campaign sent from our system.
· We automatically insert a spam report link to all E-mails sent out.
· All lists managed are automatically cleaned of soft bounces on the fifth campaign attempt, and hard or undeliverable bounces are cleaned instantly.
Possessing complaints .
MailChimp has been around since 2001. With millions of users sending campaigns to hundreds of millions of recipients, we’re bound to get abuse reports every now and then. We take abuse reports seriously, and we go to great lengths to prevent abuse within our system.
How we deal with issues
· When we receive complaints through our abuse form, we investigate immediately. If the campaign or user account appears suspicious in any way, we’ll suspend till resolved.
· Our Ip’s are white listed with major ISPs and anti-spam authorities to receive automated feedback loop alerts when any of our users’ recipients report abuse. When we’re able to parse those alerts, we remove the recipient from the user’s list. If the reports exceed a certain threshold, we send a warning to the user. If the warnings exceed a reasonable threshold, we suspend the user’s account and investigate. Most ESPs and ISPs say a reasonable threshold for abuse complaints is 0.1 percent, which means 1 out of every 1,000 people reported your campaign as junk.
Report abuse.
If you'd like to report an abusive campaign, please use the form above, Abuse Desk will take quick and appropriate action.
We will respond to all inquiries within 48 hrs of receiving complaint.